New Britain Dangerous Defective Products Attorneys
Individuals who have been injured by defective products may have a right to monetary compensation. These claims include injuries arising from the use of automobiles, tools, equipment, medications and any other manufactured products. The law in this area requires that an injured person demonstrate that the product did not adequately warn of the potential dangers or that the design or manufacture of the product was unreasonably flawed and caused injury. Contact one of our New Britain Dangerous Defective Products Attorneys for more information.
We have handled cases involving sporting equipment, medical devices, power tools, lawn mowers, tractors, and many other consumer products. These cases usually require expert technicians, engineers or specialists who are intimately familiar with a particular product, its design, and its intended uses, and dangers.
Defective product cases are usually vigorously defended by the manufacturers and require substantial costs to adequately bring with success. If, after investigating your case, we believe we can succeed in pursuing your case, we will pay the expenses of retaining the necessary experts up front and only ask that you bear the costs after we have succeeded in obtaining a recovery.
Please do not hesitate to contact us if you would like assistance on a matter of this type.