Our Hartford Car Accident Lawyers Can Help

Many of our cases involve personal injuries arising out of automobile accidents. If you are injured due to the fault or conduct of another driver, then you are probably entitled to compensation from that person. In addition to the insurance covering the person that hit you, you may also be entitled to compensation under your own insurance for uninsured or underinsured drivers.

We have handled many cases involving difficult accident scenarios that have required expert testimony to prove that another driver’s negligence was the cause of our client’s injury. We have retained experienced engineers and others who can investigate and testify on a variety of complicated accident-related issues including full accident reconstructions, faulty brakes, faulty airbag deployment, and violations of federal and state trucking regulations. While this can be expensive, we only incur costs that are necessary to maximize your case’s potential and we usually front all costs associated with the claim.

Here are a few more ways our Hartford Automobile Accidents attorneys help individuals injured by the negligence of another party.

Lost Wages After An Automobile Accidents

The pain you feel after a car accident may not only be physical but also financial. After most people get into an accident they generally do not think about work and whether they will be able to go. Working is how most individuals earn their living, and if they don’t go then a financial crisis may develop.

People who are injured in a Automobile Accidents can recover lost wages. How much lost pay they will be able to recover depends on a number of factors such as their type of employment, state law, and whether they file an insurance claim or a lawsuit. Regardless, there must be a connection between the accident injury and the time you were unable to work. This must also be supported by your medical records and doctors.

Assuming that you are able to prove your inability to work was due to injuries sustained in the car accident, you should be able to recover lost wages. If you were in a major auto accident and are suing for future lost wages, you will need an expert to testify at trial as to your past wages, today’s value, and what your projected future compensation would be. If you think you may be entitled to lost wages after being injured in a car accident, contact a personal injury attorney that is experienced in recovering lost wages.

Delayed Injuries After a Car Accident

Car accident injuries are not always apparent after a wreck. For this reason, it is possible to mistakenly believe you did not suffer any injuries. Although many injuries cause immediate pain and symptoms, some types of injuries can take hours, days or even weeks to develop. Delayed car accident injuries can even cause permanent disabilities or death in some cases. For instance, internal bleeding, especially intracranial internal bleeding, can lead to permanent brain damage if it is not promptly treated.

The types of delayed car accident injuries and health conditions include:

  1. Concussions. Concussions, also called mild traumatic brain injuries, often cause symptoms that are noticeable right away. However, they also have long-term symptoms that may arise over time. Difficulty concentrating, anxiety, depression and memory problems are also possible. Homeland actor Damian Lewis described his experience with the long-term symptoms of a concussion during an interview with a UK newspaper.
  2. Internal bleeding. There are various organs that may bleed after an accident. In cases with bleeding on the brain, accident victims are at risk of death or life-altering injuries. Internal bleeding in other areas of the body may lead to similar results.
  3. Whiplash injuries. Your nerves and muscles could suffer damage from the impact forces of a collision. Whiplash injuries may be extremely painful and even disabling. For some individuals, a whiplash injury can make returning to work impossible.
  4. Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder. Abbreviated as PTSD, this mental health condition can severely reduce a person’s quality of life and increase the risk of comorbid disorders like substance abuse, panic attacks, major depression and an increased risk of suicidality. Many people with this disorder avoid others and may have a difficult time holding a job or keeping close personal relationships.

Delayed Car Accident Injuries and Settlements

It can be dangerous to accept the first settlement offered by an insurance company. For people who may believe they are not injured, accepting the first settlement offered can be a major mistake. You may have suffered more in damages than you initially realized.

After a car accident, it is crucial to seek medical attention even if you believe you did not suffer injuries. Medical records obtained after an accident can help you negotiate a settlement that may be able to cover your damages in full. By seeking medical attention, you are not only protecting your health, but also establishing a record of damages you suffered during the accident.

We also provide lawyers and attorneys for Motorcycle Accidents.

When You Should Consider Hiring a Car Accident Attorney

Keep in mind, insurance companies are not always going to offer a settlement that is capable of covering your damages. Insurance companies are in business to make money. They are not in business to offer every accident victim a settlement that can actually cover their damages. For this reason, it can help to have an attorney advocate for your needs after a crash.

An attorney can help with the settlement negotiation process and can uncover additional evidence of who was at fault for the crash and the damages you suffered. In some cases, an attorney may even take your case to trial to ensure you receive the compensation you need to recover.

About Our Hartford Car Accident Lawyers

Walsh Woodard LLC is a Connecticut personal injury law firm with experience handling car accident cases. You can read more about our experience with these cases by exploring our website. If you have questions about your rights after a car accident in Connecticut, then we encourage you to speak with an attorney at our firm. You can schedule a free consultation by calling us at (860) 549-8440 or by using the contact form on our website.

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