Connecticut Construction Site Injury Attorneys Here for You
A serious industrial or construction site accident takes a tremendous toll on an injured person and their family through physical injuries, economic losses, and emotional pain. Generally, if the injury was a result of a co-worker or employer, you will be limited to workers’ compensation benefits.
However, if the injury was caused by a negligent third-party – including a vendor, subcontractor, equipment manufacturer, or owner of the premises, etc. – you have the right to seek compensation directly from them and it may be a more prudent option.
Your rights will depend on the facts and circumstances surrounding your case and if you have sustained injuries you probably should consult an attorney to better understand what is best for you.
At Walsh Woodard LLC we are dedicated to providing legal representation to those individuals and families that have been directly affected by industrial and construction accidents.
We represent both injured workers filing a third-party claim and non-employees who were injured in cases of this nature. Accidents and personal injuries arising out of these circumstances, along with the litigation, are often very complex.
Oftentimes, we need to consult with industrial and construction site safety experts, private investigators and financial experts in order to present the strongest case on behalf of our clients.
This area of the law is extremely complex and cannot be adequately addressed in general terms on this website. However, if you have suffered a workplace injury and would like to learn more, please feel free to contact us.