Greenwich Negligent Maintenance of Property Attorney

If someone invites another onto their property, whether a business, or private residence, they must take reasonable steps to ensure their property is safe. If they do not and someone is injured, that person may be entitled to monetary compensation. Our firm has handled many cases involving injuries resulting from this type of negligence. Attorney Michael Walsh successfully represented a client, both at trial and on appeal in one of the seminal cases in this area of law, Meek v. Walmart. Attorney Walsh has lectured several times on this topic for Greenwich attorneys at continuing education courses and is well known in this field.

Your case may involve a defective condition from accumulated ice and snow that was not properly cleared away, falling merchandise, longstanding sidewalk or parking lot defects, or other dangerous or slippery conditions within a store or piece of property. All of these cases require careful investigation and it is usually beneficial to have an Greenwich negligent maintenance of property attorney involved early on to ensure that the particular defect is well documented and important evidence preserved.

We have successfully sued large retail department stores, including Home Depot, Ocean State Job Lot, and Walmart, for falling merchandise that caused injury to others. We have handled matters involving defects within restaurants, bars, many smaller businesses where individuals have been harmed. We have also pursued claims against homeowners and landlords where dangerous defects on someone’s property have injured our client.

Oftentimes, our cases involve injuries to people injured due to defects in areas controlled by municipalities, such as sidewalks, roadways or parking lots. In those cases, the injured party should consider consulting an attorney very early because the law requires the person to notify the municipality within 90 days of the incident, and provide very specific information within that timeframe.

Please do not hesitate to  contact us if you would like assistance on a matter of this type.