Groton Automobile Accidents
Many of our cases involve personal injuries arising out of Groton automobile accidents. If you are injured due to the fault or conduct of another driver, then you are probably entitled to compensation from that person. In addition to the insurance covering the person that hit you, you may also be entitled to compensation under your own insurance for uninsured or underinsured drivers.
We have handled many cases involving difficult accident scenarios that have required expert testimony to prove that another driver’s negligence was the cause of your injury. We have retained experienced engineers and others who can investigate and testify on a variety of complicated accident-related issues including full accident reconstructions, faulty brakes, faulty airbag deployment, and violations of federal and state trucking regulations. While this can be expensive, we only incur costs that are necessary to maximize your case’s potential and we usually front all costs associated with the claim.
If you or someone you know has been injured in an accident, we would be happy to review the case to determine what your best legal recourse is.
Please do not hesitate to contact us if you would like assistance on a matter of this type.