Category: General

Glossary of Legal Terms

Below is a glossary of legal terms you may encounter while Walsh Woodard LLC is handling your case. This glossary of legal terms  is provided by Walsh Woodard LLC for information only and does not constitute legal advice...

Common Legal Malpractice Claims

When an attorney is negligent in the manner in which he represents a client, the client has every right to seek compensation for any harms or losses he suffers as a result. Below is a chart of the most common legal...

Two Snowmobilers Cause Serious Injuries

Over the last weekend in February, two snowmobilers were allegedly riding on the wrong side of the trail, and forced another snowmobiler off of the trail. He lost control and went into the trees. The injured man became pinned...

Ice Flies Off of Car and Damages Another Car

A vehicle’s window and roof were damaged when ice flew off of another traveling vehicle and hit the car on Friday, February 13, 2015. The vehicles were traveling on Interstate 91 in New Haven. There do not appear to be any...