Do You Have a Wrongful Death Case?
To know whether or not you have the right to file a claim for wrongful death, you need to understand exactly what it is.
Wrongful death is a claim that can be filed when a person (or a company) is at fault for the death of a person. There are a variety of reasons to file this type of claim, such as medical malpractice, vehicle accidents caused by another driver, a defective automobile, dangerous roadways, and even abuse. Any fatal accident which has been caused by negligence can cause a wrongful death claim to be filed.
In the United States, this is the only method of suing a company when a death has been caused by their actions instead of those of an individual. Around 400 lawsuits were filed against Toyota when their broken gas pedals caused cars to accelerate and crash.
So do you have a case for a wrongful death lawsuit? If your loved one was killed in an automobile accident caused by another driver or caused by a failure in their car, you could have a case. If they died during surgery or another medical procedure, you should consider pursuing a civil lawsuit– especially if the doctor has a history of medical malpractice. Essentially, if you have lost a loved one in a way that you feel could have been prevented and you know who’s at fault, consider filing a wrongful death claim.
You can contact Walsh Woodard LLC for your civil litigation needs online or call us at 860-549-8440 for a free consultation.